Frequently asked questions

Get all your questions answered. Spend less time trying to find answers and more time making decisions.

Generic FAQ

How long have you been in business for?

Although all the co-founders have been working closely together on our core businesses for a little more than half a decade. We created and incorporated Click Profit LLC in early 2020, but had to change our company from a c-corp to an LLC (for tax purposes) in early 2021.

Can I join this program although I live in a different country?

Yes and No! It all depends on how we set everything up and your specific situation. If you want to know more & see if we could potentially work with you, then please book a call!

Can I see some proof from your client's store?

Yes, we have live examples of store performance from some of our clients.

**Please note that these results are not guaranteed and individual outcomes may vary. You can view these examples on a call with one of our reps.**

Program FAQ

How long does it usually take for the store to be profitable?

Store profitability can vary widely based on numerous factors. While some of our clients have seen profitable months within 30-60 days of starting sales, this is not guaranteed. Each store's performance is unique and depends on market conditions, competition, and other variables.

I want multiple stores, are you open to discussing a custom plan?

We are not cheap and we don’t work with everyone. If you are one of the select few that fits the criteria needed in order to be a Click Profit partner, then we will be open to custom packages/plans.

Where will my products be shipped from?

We leverage our 2-step wholesale method to source products from various retailers and suppliers. These items are then shipped to a prep centers. At these centers, we carefully repackage the products to meet Amazon's strict guidelines and prepare them for sale on your store. From there, we handle the shipping process by shipping the products directly to customers. This strategic approach allows us to maintain quality control, optimize for Amazon's requirements, and ensure fast, efficient delivery to your customers.

What is the process of selecting products & how do I know it will be profitable?

Our product selection process uses data-driven analysis to identify potentially profitable items. We consider factors like current Amazon pricing, sales velocity, competition, and potential profit margins. Our method involves testing products in small quantities before scaling up those that perform well. While this approach aims to minimize risk and maximize profitability, it's important to note that we cannot guarantee specific results. The Amazon marketplace is dynamic, and product performance can vary based on numerous factors beyond our control.

Can I view one of your clients' stores?

Please request a video walkthrough of stores when you are talking with your  consultant, we will be more than happy to show you results from some of our stores.

How long are you willing to work with us as business partners? Is there a limit to how long you will run the store? What if we want to continue after 1-2 years?

Our partnership agreements are typically set for 4 years. We aim for long-term partnerships as our strategy is designed for sustained growth over time. After the initial term, we're open to discussing extension options. However, please note that the success and longevity of any Amazon business depend on various factors, including market conditions and Amazon's policies.

Why don’t these brands just sell their products on Amazon themselves? What could we do better than them?

Our method involves sourcing from various retailers and suppliers, not directly from brands. We focus on optimizing for Amazon's platform, including listing optimization, customer service management, and quick adaptation to market trends. However, success on Amazon involves many factors and can vary for each seller.

If a product's demand dies and stops selling, how do we move that product and transition into something else?

We monitor store performance and have strategies to address declining product demand, including pricing adjustments and inventory management. We aim to continuously update product offerings based on performance data. However, market conditions can change rapidly, and we cannot guarantee successful transitions for every product.

Wouldn’t I just be competing with all your other partners?

While we source from similar suppliers, we aim to curate diverse product mixes for different stores. However, some overlap may occur. The Amazon marketplace is vast and competitive, and success depends on many factors beyond just product selection.

How can I help make the store more money?

The amount of working capital in a store is the fuel to the fire. The more working capital you have, the better your store will perform.

Can I see other members or speak with them?

We value our clients time & privacy (as we would value yours when you become a client!) As a result, we have spent countless hours putting together accurate testimonials & gathered reviews in order to provide you with the most accurate reflection of our service. Please ask your e-commerce consultant on the call to see if there is a client available for you to chat with.

What am I paying you a service fee for if I'm already investing into inventory?

The service fee covers our operational costs and compensates for our experience and strategy implementation. It's separate from inventory investment, which goes directly into products for your store. As with any business venture, fees and investments do not guarantee profits.

Onboarding FAQ

How long until my store is up and running?

It can take anywhere between 2 to 8 weeks to get your stores set-up.  We only want to source the best products, and thus spend more time searching for the right products for your store.

Will I get access to my E-commerce stores?

Yes, you will get access to your account, as well as the Amazon Seller Central  where you can track everything in real time. Remember it's your store, so you will have access to everything.

How long is the onboarding call?

The onboarding call can be done in 30 minutes or less. But sometimes it's around 45 minutes when you account for all the questions asked.

Misc FAQ

What happens with returns?

In our Amazon-focused 2-step wholesale model, we handle all aspects of returns for you. If a customer returns a product in resellable condition, it's typically reintegrated into your Amazon inventory for resale. For items returned in unsellable condition, we may utilize Amazon's liquidation services to recover some value, or we might return the item to our original supplier if possible. In some cases, we can refurbish or repackage items to meet Amazon's standards for resale. Our goal is to minimize losses from returns while maximizing your store's overall profitability. You can rest assured that our team manages this entire process, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life while we optimize your Amazon business.

How much money should I put towards inventory?

That’s entirely entirely up to you. But we do have a suggested amount.

Can I use my existing Amazon Seller Central Account?

Potentially, yes - but we’d have to check it for you. If this is something you’d like us to look into, please send us the login details for your existing Amazon Account and we will confirm whether we can use it or not.

How long will it take for me to start having sales?

The time it takes to start seeing sales can vary widely depending on many factors, including product selection, market conditions, and competition. While we aim for positive results within a few months, we cannot guarantee specific timelines or outcomes. Each store's performance is unique.

Do you recommend reinvesting the profits earned back into our business?

Many of our clients choose to reinvest their monthly profits to purchase more inventory. While this strategy can potentially lead to growth, it's important to note that reinvestment doesn't guarantee increased profits. The decision to reinvest should be based on your individual financial situation and risk tolerance.

Is there anything I can do to boost sales?

While we manage the day-to-day operations of your store, increasing inventory investment can potentially lead to more sales opportunities. However, this doesn't guarantee increased sales or profits. Our team works to optimize your store's performance, but success on Amazon depends on various factors, many of which are beyond our control.

What happens with regards to sales tax?

Amazon is a marketplace facilitator, meaning they collect and remit (pay) sales tax on your behalf. Which is not something that you have to worry or stress about.

How does the profit split work?

You will be responsible for paying us the profit split % monthly that was agreed upon in your contract. This is determined based on how much you choose to invest in the company. The profit split is always done on the NET profit after we have deducted the operating expenses from the GROSS profit.

What kind of products do you pick for my store?

There is no specific type of product, we choose all sorts of products from different niches. It is based on what sells best and what has the best margins.